We will not be taking calls the afternoon of 12/24 and all day 12/25 due to the holiday.
The Medicaid Call Center will be closed starting at noon, Tuesday, Dec. 24, and all day Wedesnday, Dec. 25.
We will not be taking calls the afternoon of 12/24 and all day 12/25 due to the holiday.
Do your joy and energy level drop when the seasons change? You may be experiencing the “winter blues” or seasonal affective disorder (SAD). A type of depression that is related to the changing of seasons. It can be caused by things like shorter days, colder temperatures, less sunlight, and less activity. Here are three tips to consider:
Learn to Live’s programs are available to you and can help!
Our Depression program teaches us about "activation." Which is a gentle way to nudge us to do small, rewarding things like taking a walk or connecting with others. Doing these rewarding activities can start to shift how you are feeling and improve your mood. Engaging with the world, in ways big or small, can lift our spirits.